/* jshint onevar:false, loopfunc:true */ /* global jetpackSlideshowSettings, escape */ function JetpackSlideshow( element, transition, autostart ) { this.element = element; this.images = []; this.controls = {}; this.transition = transition || 'fade'; this.autostart = autostart; } JetpackSlideshow.prototype.showLoadingImage = function( toggle ) { if ( toggle ) { this.loadingImage_ = document.createElement( 'div' ); this.loadingImage_.className = 'slideshow-loading'; var img = document.createElement( 'img' ); img.src = jetpackSlideshowSettings.spinner; this.loadingImage_.appendChild( img ); this.loadingImage_.appendChild( this.makeZeroWidthSpan() ); this.element.append( this.loadingImage_ ); } else if ( this.loadingImage_ ) { this.loadingImage_.parentNode.removeChild( this.loadingImage_ ); this.loadingImage_ = null; } }; JetpackSlideshow.prototype.init = function() { this.showLoadingImage(true); var self = this; // Set up DOM. for ( var i = 0; i < this.images.length; i++ ) { var imageInfo = this.images[i]; var img = document.createElement( 'img' ); img.src = imageInfo.src; img.title = typeof( imageInfo.title ) !== 'undefined' ? imageInfo.title : ''; img.alt = typeof( imageInfo.alt ) !== 'undefined' ? imageInfo.alt : ''; img.align = 'middle'; img.setAttribute('itemprop','image'); img.nopin = 'nopin'; var caption = document.createElement( 'div' ); caption.className = 'slideshow-slide-caption'; caption.setAttribute('itemprop','caption description'); caption.innerHTML = imageInfo.caption; var container = document.createElement('div'); container.className = 'slideshow-slide'; container.setAttribute('itemprop','associatedMedia'); container.setAttribute('itemscope',''); container.setAttribute('itemtype','/web/20170201140806/http://schema.org/ImageObject'); // Hide loading image once first image has loaded. if ( i === 0 ) { if ( img.complete ) { // IE, image in cache setTimeout( function() { self.finishInit_(); }, 1); } else { jQuery( img ).load(function() { self.finishInit_(); }); } } container.appendChild( img ); // I'm not sure where these were coming from, but IE adds // bad values for width/height for portrait-mode images img.removeAttribute('width'); img.removeAttribute('height'); container.appendChild( this.makeZeroWidthSpan() ); container.appendChild( caption ); this.element.append( container ); } }; JetpackSlideshow.prototype.makeZeroWidthSpan = function() { var emptySpan = document.createElement( 'span' ); emptySpan.className = 'slideshow-line-height-hack'; // Having a NBSP makes IE act weird during transitions, but other // browsers ignore a text node with a space in it as whitespace. if ( -1 !== window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf( 'MSIE ' ) ) { emptySpan.appendChild( document.createTextNode(' ') ); } else { emptySpan.innerHTML = ' '; } return emptySpan; }; JetpackSlideshow.prototype.finishInit_ = function() { this.showLoadingImage( false ); this.renderControls_(); var self = this; if ( this.images.length > 1 ) { // Initialize Cycle instance. this.element.cycle( { fx: this.transition, prev: this.controls.prev, next: this.controls.next, slideExpr: '.slideshow-slide', onPrevNextEvent: function() { return self.onCyclePrevNextClick_.apply( self, arguments ); } } ); var slideshow = this.element; if ( ! this.autostart ) { slideshow.cycle( 'pause' ); jQuery(this.controls.stop).removeClass( 'running' ); jQuery(this.controls.stop).addClass( 'paused' ); } jQuery( this.controls.stop ).click( function() { var button = jQuery(this); if ( ! button.hasClass( 'paused' ) ) { slideshow.cycle( 'pause' ); button.removeClass( 'running' ); button.addClass( 'paused' ); } else { button.addClass( 'running' ); button.removeClass( 'paused' ); slideshow.cycle( 'resume', true ); } return false; } ); } else { this.element.children( ':first' ).show(); this.element.css( 'position', 'relative' ); } this.initialized_ = true; }; JetpackSlideshow.prototype.renderControls_ = function() { if ( this.controlsDiv_ ) { return; } var controlsDiv = document.createElement( 'div' ); controlsDiv.className = 'slideshow-controls'; var controls = [ 'prev', 'stop', 'next' ]; for ( var i = 0; i < controls.length; i++ ) { var controlName = controls[i]; var a = document.createElement( 'a' ); a.href = '#'; controlsDiv.appendChild( a ); this.controls[controlName] = a; } this.element.append( controlsDiv ); this.controlsDiv_ = controlsDiv; }; JetpackSlideshow.prototype.onCyclePrevNextClick_ = function( isNext, i/*, slideElement*/ ) { // If blog_id not present don't track page views if ( ! jetpackSlideshowSettings.blog_id ) { return; } var postid = this.images[i].id; var stats = new Image(); stats.src = document.location.protocol + '/web/20170201140806/http://pixel.wp.com/g.gif?host=' + escape( document.location.host ) + '&rand=' + Math.random() + '&blog=' + jetpackSlideshowSettings.blog_id + '&subd=' + jetpackSlideshowSettings.blog_subdomain + '&user_id=' + jetpackSlideshowSettings.user_id + '&post=' + postid + '&ref=' + escape( document.location ); }; ( function ( $ ) { function jetpack_slideshow_init() { $( '.jetpack-slideshow-noscript' ).remove(); $( '.jetpack-slideshow' ).each( function () { var container = $( this ); if ( container.data( 'processed' ) ) { return; } var slideshow = new JetpackSlideshow( container, container.data( 'trans' ), container.data( 'autostart' ) ); slideshow.images = container.data( 'gallery' ); slideshow.init(); container.data( 'processed', true ); } ); } $( document ).ready( jetpack_slideshow_init ); $( 'body' ).on( 'post-load', jetpack_slideshow_init ); } )( jQuery ); /* FILE ARCHIVED ON 14:08:06 Feb 01, 2017 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 02:20:13 Mar 25, 2020. JAVASCRIPT APPENDED BY WAYBACK MACHINE, COPYRIGHT INTERNET ARCHIVE. ALL OTHER CONTENT MAY ALSO BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT (17 U.S.C. SECTION 108(a)(3)). */ /* playback timings (ms): load_resource: 236.729 exclusion.robots.policy: 0.368 PetaboxLoader3.resolve: 93.258 (2) esindex: 0.011 exclusion.robots: 0.379 PetaboxLoader3.datanode: 155.43 (5) RedisCDXSource: 1.539 CDXLines.iter: 14.15 (3) LoadShardBlock: 108.748 (3) captures_list: 127.999 **/ /* global jetpackSlideshowSettings, escape */ function JetpackSlideshow( element, transition, autostart ) { this.element = element; this.images = []; this.controls = {}; this.transition = transition || 'fade'; this.autostart = autostart; } JetpackSlideshow.prototype.showLoadingImage = function( toggle ) { if ( toggle ) { this.loadingImage_ = document.createElement( 'div' ); this.loadingImage_.className = 'slideshow-loading'; var img = document.createElement( 'img' ); img.src = jetpackSlideshowSettings.spinner; this.loadingImage_.appendChild( img ); this.loadingImage_.appendChild( this.makeZeroWidthSpan() ); this.element.append( this.loadingImage_ ); } else if ( this.loadingImage_ ) { this.loadingImage_.parentNode.removeChild( this.loadingImage_ ); this.loadingImage_ = null; } }; JetpackSlideshow.prototype.init = function() { this.showLoadingImage(true); var self = this; // Set up DOM. for ( var i = 0; i < this.images.length; i++ ) { var imageInfo = this.images[i]; var img = document.createElement( 'img' ); img.src = imageInfo.src; img.title = typeof( imageInfo.title ) !== 'undefined' ? imageInfo.title : ''; img.alt = typeof( imageInfo.alt ) !== 'undefined' ? imageInfo.alt : ''; img.align = 'middle'; img.setAttribute('itemprop','image'); img.nopin = 'nopin'; var caption = document.createElement( 'div' ); caption.className = 'slideshow-slide-caption'; caption.setAttribute('itemprop','caption description'); caption.innerHTML = imageInfo.caption; var container = document.createElement('div'); container.className = 'slideshow-slide'; container.setAttribute('itemprop','associatedMedia'); container.setAttribute('itemscope',''); container.setAttribute('itemtype','/web/20170201140806/http://schema.org/ImageObject'); // Hide loading image once first image has loaded. if ( i === 0 ) { if ( img.complete ) { // IE, image in cache setTimeout( function() { self.finishInit_(); }, 1); } else { jQuery( img ).load(function() { self.finishInit_(); }); } } container.appendChild( img ); // I'm not sure where these were coming from, but IE adds // bad values for width/height for portrait-mode images img.removeAttribute('width'); img.removeAttribute('height'); container.appendChild( this.makeZeroWidthSpan() ); container.appendChild( caption ); this.element.append( container ); } }; JetpackSlideshow.prototype.makeZeroWidthSpan = function() { var emptySpan = document.createElement( 'span' ); emptySpan.className = 'slideshow-line-height-hack'; // Having a NBSP makes IE act weird during transitions, but other // browsers ignore a text node with a space in it as whitespace. if ( -1 !== window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf( 'MSIE ' ) ) { emptySpan.appendChild( document.createTextNode(' ') ); } else { emptySpan.innerHTML = ' '; } return emptySpan; }; JetpackSlideshow.prototype.finishInit_ = function() { this.showLoadingImage( false ); this.renderControls_(); var self = this; if ( this.images.length > 1 ) { // Initialize Cycle instance. this.element.cycle( { fx: this.transition, prev: this.controls.prev, next: this.controls.next, slideExpr: '.slideshow-slide', onPrevNextEvent: function() { return self.onCyclePrevNextClick_.apply( self, arguments ); } } ); var slideshow = this.element; if ( ! this.autostart ) { slideshow.cycle( 'pause' ); jQuery(this.controls.stop).removeClass( 'running' ); jQuery(this.controls.stop).addClass( 'paused' ); } jQuery( this.controls.stop ).click( function() { var button = jQuery(this); if ( ! button.hasClass( 'paused' ) ) { slideshow.cycle( 'pause' ); button.removeClass( 'running' ); button.addClass( 'paused' ); } else { button.addClass( 'running' ); button.removeClass( 'paused' ); slideshow.cycle( 'resume', true ); } return false; } ); } else { this.element.children( ':first' ).show(); this.element.css( 'position', 'relative' ); } this.initialized_ = true; }; JetpackSlideshow.prototype.renderControls_ = function() { if ( this.controlsDiv_ ) { return; } var controlsDiv = document.createElement( 'div' ); controlsDiv.className = 'slideshow-controls'; var controls = [ 'prev', 'stop', 'next' ]; for ( var i = 0; i < controls.length; i++ ) { var controlName = controls[i]; var a = document.createElement( 'a' ); a.href = '#'; controlsDiv.appendChild( a ); this.controls[controlName] = a; } this.element.append( controlsDiv ); this.controlsDiv_ = controlsDiv; }; JetpackSlideshow.prototype.onCyclePrevNextClick_ = function( isNext, i/*, slideElement*/ ) { // If blog_id not present don't track page views if ( ! jetpackSlideshowSettings.blog_id ) { return; } var postid = this.images[i].id; var stats = new Image(); stats.src = document.location.protocol + '/web/20170201140806/http://pixel.wp.com/g.gif?host=' + escape( document.location.host ) + '&rand=' + Math.random() + '&blog=' + jetpackSlideshowSettings.blog_id + '&subd=' + jetpackSlideshowSettings.blog_subdomain + '&user_id=' + jetpackSlideshowSettings.user_id + '&post=' + postid + '&ref=' + escape( document.location ); }; ( function ( $ ) { function jetpack_slideshow_init() { $( '.jetpack-slideshow-noscript' ).remove(); $( '.jetpack-slideshow' ).each( function () { var container = $( this ); if ( container.data( 'processed' ) ) { return; } var slideshow = new JetpackSlideshow( container, container.data( 'trans' ), container.data( 'autostart' ) ); slideshow.images = container.data( 'gallery' ); slideshow.init(); container.data( 'processed', true ); } ); } $( document ).ready( jetpack_slideshow_init ); $( 'body' ).on( 'post-load', jetpack_slideshow_init ); } )( jQuery ); /* FILE ARCHIVED ON 14:08:06 Feb 01, 2017 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 02:20:13 Mar 25, 2020. JAVASCRIPT APPENDED BY WAYBACK MACHINE, COPYRIGHT INTERNET ARCHIVE. ALL OTHER CONTENT MAY ALSO BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT (17 U.S.C. SECTION 108(a)(3)). */ /* playback timings (ms): load_resource: 236.729 exclusion.robots.policy: 0.368 PetaboxLoader3.resolve: 93.258 (2) esindex: 0.011 exclusion.robots: 0.379 PetaboxLoader3.datanode: 155.43 (5) RedisCDXSource: 1.539 CDXLines.iter: 14.15 (3) LoadShardBlock: 108.748 (3) captures_list: 127.999 */